Thursday, June 21, 2007

Divine Nature

by Michael A. Cremo & Mukunda Goswami

What are the root causes of the environmental crisis? What can we do about them?

"Does a highly spiritual tradition like Krishna consciousness concern itself with concrete problems of this world? Do the teachings have a significant environmental impact?

"Divine Nature is a clear, even eloquent ‘yes' answer to both questions. The chapter on ‘Meat and the Environment' is the best succinct statement I have read on the environmental impact of meat consumption. But Divine Nature deftly weaves this concrete factual material into a worldview which includes history, scientific theory, and the metaphysics of karma. The implications of diet are far-reaching. Divine Nature is a must for professors of religion like myself and for students like mine. It shows us that the apparently abstract and ethereal realm of spirituality bears upon the environment in a quite positive and practical way."

From the back cover:
According to Divine Nature, the real cause of the global environmental crisis is an underlying lack of spiritual understanding. The authors systematically demonstrate that most proposed solutions are only palliative and that humankind must undergo a profound change in consciousness to live in an environmentally sound way.

"Divine Nature leads the human spirit upward. The authors lucidly explore the dimensions of a genuine solution to the world's environmental crisis. They suggest that the most important changes must come first within each of us—in the way we see ourselves and the universe, the way we eat, and the way we live." George Harrison, singer, UK

"A book of hope and transformation, conviction, and dedication, and I urge all who care to read and share." Dr. Michael Fox, Vice PresidentThe Humane Society of the United States

"In view of the crying need for excellent literature concerning the interface of spirituality and the environment, Divine Nature is a Godsend." Gene Sager, Professor of Religious Studies and PhilosophyPalomar College, California

"Divine Nature reminds us we must learn again to live within the laws of nature …aware and grateful that we are at the mercy of sacred forces larger than ourselves." From the Foreword by William McDonougharchitect, author of The Hannover Principles.

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